Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Love's Many Faces

In this age people have all sorts of "loves". I think it is probably one of the most often used adjectives, and most misused terms of endearment. But, then again, maybe it isn't misused at all? Truly, I can love dark chocolate. I can love my dog. I can love going for a walk and I can love my son. There are so many things to "love" that the word becomes overused, and sometimes we forget what it really means, or do we? Who am I to say whether or not a pretzel, or even a pringle is worthy of your love? This poem I recently found is one of the most beautiful "love poems" I have ever read. The thing about it that I find most unique, is that upon first reading, we can see that there is a powerful love that is being spoken of, and you can almost be led to believe that it is for a lover. But, as I look at it more closely, I see that it can be so many of the people that we hold in our hearts. The thing that brings me the most comfort this Valentine's day, is that when we hold them in our hearts, no matter where they are in time or space, we have them with us.

I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart)

I am never without it (anywhere I go, you go my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling)

I fear...

No fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) I want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)

And it's you are whatever a moon has always meant And whatever a sun will always sing is you

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows

(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of the tree called life;

which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide

and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)



Jim said...

Wonderful poem. :)

Melissa said...

i'm so glad that i was with you when we happened upon this poem. it meant more to me "find" it with one of my "loves". you, my sister. =)