Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Dagwood Sandwich of Happiness

Of late I have been on vacation travelling and learning, with not a lot of time for considering things. This is not always bad, because, like most of the time when you are not paying attention, ideas can just come to mind. You know, you go, you eat, you sleep, you say "oooh" at the cool stuff. So, I thought I would blog and entertain you with my mindless ramblings- look away now!
At what point in your life do you look around and say, "This is it. I have finally achieved inner peace! Woohoo!" If you are like me you are always thinking of the tasks at hand, with the fuzzy end of life goal somewhere off in the distance. You focus on your career, or your family, buying a new car, a new house, moving, divorcing, birthing, dying, church picnics, summer camp. You complain about how this person never stops saying this or how you think this should be different- you exist, you live, you think. And at the end, in a fuzzy sort of final solution format is the goal: Inner Peace, Happiness, Completeness. The ever present question for me has always been- how do I get there? And the answer is always, you just do.
So, as I was out walking and looking around at some of the incredible vistas and sights this country has to offer it occurred to me in my pseudo-philosophical way: you don't get there, you are there. The people, places, events and accomplishments can be things that make our lives rich. But at the same time, we can have all of these and still not have that end goal. It seems that these elements are not really the pathway but more, the bread, sandwich meat, lettuce, tomato and cheese of our lives. It is true that they can enrich it, but they can also distract from it. I think that for me at least, inner peace will not be found in my giant perfect concoction of a great Dagwood sandwich, but rather, in the way I am able to view myself and those around me before, during and after consuming such a delicious treat.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Just Standing Around

Well, I am a mom, as most of you know. So you other moms know that this is how your day goes: get coffee, start the dishes, feed a child, diaper or change underwear on a child, put two dishes in the dishwasher, dress a child, bandage a knee, brush a child's teeth, brush my own teeth (at 11am- whoops), feed a child, intervene in an argument, clean up a spilled drink, check homework, soccer practice, oh yeah the dishes... Don't get me started on laundry or housecleaning, or goodness knows, an appointment of some kind. Five o'clock rolls around and I am standing there, finally dressed and showered, looking at dirty laundry but maybe if I am lucky a clean kitchen, and I think to myself, "What did I do today? Have I just been standing around?"
Well as I was walking through this charming life enriching cycle today, I was reminded of something I haven't thought about for a very long time. It is a quote that I have always loved, "Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." Eph. 6:13 I was startled by my memory, because spiritually, I often feel as if I am just standing around. I do not feel well equipped, or particularly enlightened or led. On some days(most of late), I am not even sure God is there at all. I move through my life, and at the end of the day often feel as if I have just run in circles.
So what is the point I am making? I think, I think mind you, that there are a lot of times when doing all you can do is the key. You do your best, you cover all of your bases, and then, you wait. You do not stack the odds in your favor, you do not fret, you do not try and buy another solution. At the end of the day, things will be the way they will be, regardless. All you can do, is stand. There are "evil days" and hard times when it seems as if no matter where you turn, you are stuck. But, even if it seems as if you are running in circles, just standing around, that can be a good thing. At the end of the day, sometimes standing is the hardest and most effective tool for battle in this thing called life.